ISIS wants to be bombed by France, too. Why should that sound strange?

'Who wouldn''t want to be bombed by as many countries as possible, especially when Russia is already kicking the living shit out of you? [Roberto Quaglia]'

ISIS wants to be bombed by France, too. Why should that sound strange?
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15 Novembre 2015 - 16.45


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By Roberto Quaglia.

It seems that, for ISIS/Daesh,
it was not enough to be bombed by Russia (with real bombs) and by the United
States (with mysterious bombs that were unable, in a year, to cause any damage;
according to witnesses, they looked more like supplies). ISIS/Daesh now wants
to be bombed by France as well, maybe hoping that the Èlisée will send troops
on the ground to fight them even harder. Why should that sound strange?
ISIS/Daesh has already announced similar attacks in Washington, London and
Rome. I would not be too surprised about Washington; in theory, they have been
bombing ISIS/Daesh for the past year (as I”ve stated, with very bizarre bombs)
but why London and, especially, why Rome? Obviously, ISIS/Daesh also wishes to
be bombed by the UK and Italy, and possibly by all of Europe. What a winning
strategy! Who wouldn”t want to be bombed by as many countries as possible,
especially when Russia is already kicking the living shit out of you?

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To avoid misunderstandings, the terrorists in Paris carried on
them their passports
[1], which every terrorist must always have with him in such cases. The word always must be underlined. The Charlie
terrorists forgot their passports in their car
[2]. The 9/11 terrorists had on them the world”s most
miraculous passports, able to survive the gargantuan fireball triggered by the
explosion (that has been showed to us so many times) and the disintegration of
the Twin Towers
[3]. Afraid, perhaps, that their passports could not be
found, they also took care of abandoning in their car a manual and a videotape
on how to fly a Boeing. Speaking of Charlie
, I wonder if the staff, in the next issue, will coherently mock the
French victims of ISIS/Daesh just as they”ve mocked the 224 Russian victims of
ISIS/Daesh a few weeks ago? Is someone willing to bet on this? We”ll soon discover
once and for all if humor and the right of expression are also subject to the
double standards of the western world.

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Thus, the ambition of ISIS/Daesh
to be attacked and massacred can”t be questioned. Didn”t already Osama Bin
Laden, 14 years ago, wish for Afghanistan to be bombed and Iraq to be invaded
when he did what he did? After all, that”s exactly what he got.

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The usual gossipers claim that
ISIS/Daesh has been created by the United States; nevermind that among said
gossipers we also find the French general Vincent Desportes
[4]: how on earth could someone in his position know
anything about anything? For sure, we know better, since we read the mainstream
press and watch TV. Neither should we give any credit to U.S. official
declassified documents, in which the intention to create ISIS is stated before
ISIS even existed
[5]. We would never put them on trial for their
intentions! And all the photos which show U.S. senator McCain with a dude that
very closely resembles ISIS/Daesh’s “caliph” Al-Baghdadi
[6] , and other terrorists, shouldn”t bother us as well:
after all, who doesn”t happen to be occasionally close to unpleasant people,
who were just passing by? It could happen to all of us.

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And, also, the fact that a few
days before the attacks the C.I.A. chief met the French Security chief
shouldn”t be of any concern for us
[7]. Probably, these people hang out for a beer more
often than we think – so what”s wrong with that?

So be it clear that the only
reason why ISIS/Daesh orchestrated the Paris slaughter is because they are
morons – some very lucky morons! Smuggling automatic weapons and ammunitions
into France without getting caught, in this contexts, looks easy as pie. But
everyone knows that one cannot question beginners’ luck, at least until they
don”t get conveniently killed.

As it often happens in these
cases, information on Wikipedia about the slaughter has appeared with an
olympic speed. Actually, it seems that something (a declaration by Hollande)
has been reported even before it happened
[i][Update: less that 24 hours after it was published, this article has disappeared [url”but luckily had already made a backup”][/url]][/i].
These are little miracles we are already accustomed to. Some of you
will probably still remember the BBC announcing on September 11, 2001, the
collapse of WTC7 twenty minutes before it actually happened

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And we are also already used to
various kind of happenstances: every time the terrorists strike, some
anti-terror army drill is always going on, more or less at the same time. It
happened in New York on September 11, 2001
[10], it happened in London on July 7, 2005 [11], and something like that has also happened this time
in Paris. Because of a “bomb alarm”, earlier on the same day, the police had
evacuated the Gare de Lyon railway station
[12]. And for the same reason, it had also evacuated the
hotel which hosted the German football national team, which would play that
Is this not enough? Well, I forgot to mention that, on the same day, a complete anti-terror drill was performed:
it involved police, firemen, EMT, etc… all reacting to a scenario involving

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Just the same as in all other
terrorist events which someone forced upon on us. Tradition must be respected.
Long live happenstances! Who says that it can”t be a coincidence, if every time
something happens it is followed and preceded by the same set of coincidences?
Have faith!

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Finally, since we are not
superstitious and obsessed by numerology like Marine Lagarde, the chief of
F.M.I., is (watch this video if you don”t believe that)
[14], the fact that this happened on Friday the 13th
of the 11th month in the 11th arrondissement of Paris doesn”t impress us. Some are obsessed by
symbologies, others aren”t. And, about that: someone could point out that most
of the victims in Paris were watching a heavy metal gig –  Eagles of Death Metal. Exactly two weeks
earlier in Bucharest, Romania (Bucharest was once known as “the little Paris”),
on a lower scale, a tragedy killed over 50 youngsters in a fire during a heavy
metal gig, an event which rapidly triggered a series of events which led to the
replacement of the Romanian elected government with a government of  “technocrats” very close to Brussels. Going
to heavy metal gigs is becoming dangerous.

This being said, I wish you a
happy World War Three. What? Didn”t they tell you? Well, there are things that
one would do but would not mention out loud, you should know that by now. You
are supposed to become aware of that, step by step, so that you don”t bother
too much. Have you ever read the recipe on how to boil frogs so that they don”t
jump out of the hot water?

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(November 14th, 2015)

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Roberto Quaglia

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You are welcome to tip the author of this article by using his bitcoin address: 1MTgNMP5FUsihDN4izxtfPpCfYYLiib3yn

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Infographics: © Carlos
Henrique Latuff.

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